
Summer Camp

Comic Art with Kevlen Goodner

Illustrator Kevlen Goodner spent a week with our Comic Art summer camp class. Here's what he shared with his Facebook fans:

"I simply cannot say enough about the incredible young people I was privileged to meet and honored to work with at this week's Louisville Visual Art summer camp. I have no doubt that I met with future illustrators whose work will dazzle us in the pages of comics, manga and even animation!

I'm even more proud of the fact that the class was made up predominantly of young women! Their voices will be heard loud and clear, their stories told near and far! Thank you so much to each and every one of them.

Thank you to the parents and loved ones who continue to encourage and inspire them to reach their creative goals. And thank you to LVA for the invitation to share in this beautiful experience. Support your local art organizations! These are our neighbors dedicating their lives to enriching ours. Thank you a million/billion times over to the awesome Jacqueliine Pallesen and the amazing Annette Cable! You guys are Rock Stars in the truest since of the words ;) 

See you soon
-The Illest-Strator"

Summer Camp

Creature Feature - Oaxacan-inspired animals

Creature Feature is the class for children who like to experiment with multiple media, such as paint, plaster, gauze and air-drying clay! Students will incorporate both 2D and 3D techniques, utilizing a variety of provided materials along with found objects to create one-of-a-kind works of art. Students will draw, paint and sculpt to create a whimsical animal bust to hang on their wall!

Open Doors

Dreamcatchers at Home of the Innocents

LVA instructor Liz has been working with students at Home of the Innocents on several projects, including a mural to be unveiled soon and these dreamcatchers. A fellow institution that has worked for more than 100 years to benefit Louisville,  HOTI shares LVA's mission to give children and young adults "the opportunity to access services that may be hard to find elsewhere."

Summer Camp

Painting Lab: Yummy Yummy Yummy

Painting Lab focuses on the young artist who needs the time and space to experiment with the wonders of paint. Students work with a variety of media, including watercolor, acrylic paint, and even house paint! Students also use a variety of surfaces including paper, wood and canvas. Simple compositions will lead to experimentation with various approaches to painting, and students will have the chance to experiment with non-traditional techniques.

This week, our young artists found inspiration in an everyday object of joy: fun food!



Summer Camp

Yew Dell Botanical Gardens: Art in Nature

LVA brought a nature art half-day summer camp out to partners Yew Dell Botanical Gardens! Students explored the wonders of their gardens through a creative lens — imagine creating art in a castle or along woodland trails. Artists tapped into their creative genius with guided curriculum and help from the Great Outdoors. The natural world offered an opportunity for students to draw, design, paint, sculpt and create their way toward beautiful works of art!


Events, Exhibits

Event Feature: art[squared] 2017

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Children's Fine Art Classes program at art[squared] this year! 154 pieces sold so far, helping us raise over $30,000! This will allow us to continue to provide scholarships to over 1,000 talented and motivated students each year. We are so grateful for all the artists who participated and donated their time and talent, all the collectors who came out to purchase work, the board members and volunteers who helped everything run smoothly, Cunningham Door & Windows for sponsoring the event, as well as CirqueLouis for an amazing performance! It was such a wonderful evening and we are thankful beyond measure for the support of every one of you!

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