Public Radio

Artebella On The Radio: April 1 - Open Studio Weekend Artists

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Multi-media artists Kenyatta Bosman & Jessica Chao will be participating in the rescheduled Open Studio Weekend April 10-11 and this week will be talking about their work. Tune in Thursday at 10 am to WXOX 97.1 FM, or stream on to hear their voices.

Kenyatta Bosman is a non-binary visual/multimedia artist who focuses on realism and being in the moment. Their inspiration comes from black and queer cinema and the Queer Black Experience. They have exhibited in Louisville at Roots 101: African American Museum and at Quappi Projects. Their studio is at Creatives of Color Collective in the Artspace Building.

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Jessica Chao is a native New Mexican artist who earned her BFA in Fine Arts at the University of New Mexico in 2012 focusing on lithography and oil painting. 

Jessica’s work consistently reflects the discipline and dedication to trying new techniques, ideas, and challenges. Jessica relocated to Louisville, Kentucky to pursue arts in and around surrounding cities like Cincinnati and Chicago, Her studio is in Art Sanctuary on South Shelby Street.

On April 10 & 11 both artists will be participating in the LVA/Hite Institute Open Studio Weekend. To purchase directories Click HERE.

Open Stuido Weekend Artists
Kenyatta Bosman & Jessica Chao