
Artebella On The Radio: March 25


The 2021 Arts-Louisville Theatre Awards will live stream this March 25, and as a part of this year's special edition, Angelica Santiago & Crystian Wiltshire talk about being BIPOC actors working out of Louisville. Join us this Thursday on WXOX 97.1 FM, or stream on at 10 am.


Angelica Santiago, a multicultural chica born and raised Jersey native, is an actress telling the stories that need to be told. Having graduated from Montclair State University with her BFA in acting she uses the skills towards her craft to connect with people around the world and dive into her work in an even more personal way. Angelica's passion for acting comes from her desire to inspire audiences from all over and allow them to be affected by the stories of people that must share what they have to say. She was apart of the 2018-19 Actors Theatre of Louisville Acting Apprenticeship and has continued to work off and on in Louisville for Actors Theatre, Kentucky Shakespeare, and the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati.

Crystian Wiltshire is originally from Brooklyn, New York but is an alumnus of the African American Theatre Program at the University of Louisville Department of Theatre Arts. He has worked with Stage One Family Theatre, Kentucky Shakespeare, Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, and the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati.

Louisville As A Base For Theatre Artists Of Color
Angelica Santiago & Crystian Wiltshire