Photo by Sarah Katherine Davis for LVA
How did you first get involved with LVA?
In my art class at Central High School, my art teacher, Mr. Patrick Robertson noticed my strong interest in art, and suggested that I go apply to be in LVA's CFAC classes! I applied, and got in. It was amazing, and from there, my art and my life truly began to thrive.
When did you first know that art was going to be a big part of your life?
I believe it was the day I graduated from Governor School for the Arts. The experience was so great for me, it was almost like a dream. I began the road of finding my true self there. After graduation, and winning an award, I realized that the only thing that had brought me to that wonderful experience was Art and God. I consider both to be one. And when I left GSA, I knew for a fact that I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without it.
What does LVA add to your life?
LVA has given so much to my life. Really, I wouldn't be wherever I am, or wherever I will be, without the love that was given by LVA to me. LVA has and always will add support, love, and family to my life. LVA is definitely apart of my Art Family—-people I love that give support that have came into my life because of Art.
Photo by Sarah Katherine Davis Photography
Describe your perfect Sunday afternoon.
Since I am in college, there is something that is always due, a meeting to always attend, a class to always go to. My perfect Sunday is a day where I get a full 8 hours of sleep the night before, I wake up around 10am, go for a run, shower, and then go straight to the studio. I paint solely on a personal piece since I magically have no homework for however many hours needed to get to a point in which I am happy with the creation. I then magically have no meetings to attend, and since it is also spring, it is sunny, dry, and 75 degrees— the perfect weather in which to lay out in the grass and read on the Quad. As I read, I see a few buddies walking past and have nice conversations with them all. Reading-talking-reading-talking. Afterwards, when it begins to get dark, I will get up and go back to my studio and work on anything further that will enhance my journey of personal growth (research watching a documentary, learning something new, etc.). At around 9-10pm, I will get up and go back home, order Wings over Syracuse and choose a book or movie to loose myself in. I will then eat, and go to sleep by 11pm to rise early the next morning. Now, THAT is a perfect Sunday!!! Lol!
Who is your favorite local artist?
Kevlen Goodner, a freelance illustrator, is definitely my favorite local artist. Besides him being purely amazing, his soul, like his art, is full of beauty, love, and knowledge. He is a friend of my dad, but ever since he has seen my art, he has been an extreme supporter—a very precious gift I did not know how to hold while I was younger! He has helped me a lot in the past, and every action he seems to take inspires me in ways I can not explain! With his character personally, and as an artist. I only have love for Mr. Kevlen!
Provided by LaNia Roberts
Provided by LaNia Roberts
Where would you like to see Louisville 10 years from now?
I would like to see Louisville with more jobs, higher minimum wage, more art, and more available resources for children needing a creative outlet. Especially for the children that don't have parents that can mentally or financially support their artistic journey.
What neighborhood do you live in? What are some of your favorite things about it?
I grew up in the West End and Beuchel. When I left for college, my family moved to Shivley. So I've lived in a couple of different areas here in Louisville. I must say that my favorite thing about any of them is the amount of access I have to different things. Busses, stores, centers, anything. Being in three different areas with three different amounts of access really showed me how segregated simple access is to human beings.
What advice would you give your past self if you could?
Essentially, none. But something that would have put a bit less stress on my back would be to not compare myself and my journey to others. I did a lot of comparing, and feeling bad about myself and my place in life while I was younger. If I had known what life had in store for me, I would have realized that even my laziest days were leading up to a success and love filled life.
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