The kids at the Bellewood Home for Children have really loved printmaking! Instructor and ceramic artist Lisa Simon says they have done some wonderful monoprints and callographs and group printing. Her photos here show the kids doing group printmaking. They discovered that they also like to print on themselves!
Special thanks to Art for Kosair Kids® through Kosair Charities in partnership with Fund for the Arts for their generous support of this program!
Beeutiful art! Shared by the Bellewood School, our collaborators with Arts for Kosair Kids® in partnership with the Fund for the Arts. They say, "This is one kiddo’s hand art (a project taught to us by LVA). Students picked 4-5 words to describe themselves and although the projects aren’t quite finished- we already know the artists are 'beeutiful' 🐝🐝🐝"
Heart Art
Big thanks to Bellewood Horticulture for sharing this photo with LVA!
"Ms. Annette from LVA taught our kiddos this 'heart art' project last year. The Bellewood students decided to try it again on their own. Thank you to Louisville Visual Art and Arts for Kosair Kids® @kosaircharities in partnership with the @fundforthearts for making this possible."
Bellewood: Exhibition Celebration
We have been working with Kosair Kids® through Kosair Charities and Fund for the Arts to bring an art therapy program with Bellewood Home for Children, who "have worked to nurture Kentucky's most vulnerable children."
We celebrated this art program's conclusion as proud students shared what they made this summer with instructor and ceramic artist Lisa Simon - they are some of the sweetest kids we've gotten to work with yet!
Bellewood: Art Therapy
We have been working with Kosair Kids® through Kosair Charities and Fund for the Arts to bring an art therapy program with Bellewood Home for Children, who "have worked to nurture Kentucky's most vulnerable children."
This summer, students have been working with ceramic artist Lisa Simon on sensory elements for their outdoor classroom.
Open Doors Feature: Bellewood Art Program
We are off to a great start working with Kosair Kids® through Kosair Charities and Fund for the Arts to bring a 28-week art therapy program as part of a full school year initiative with Bellewood! During this visit, students worked with instructor Ehren Reed to create abstract, colorful paintings to be used as collage materials for our Eric Carle inspired project! We can't wait to see the finished artwork! This summer, students will be working with ceramic artist Lisa Simon on sensory elements for their outdoor classroom as well. Check back in for more behind the scenes images.