Annette Cable

Member Monday

Member Monday: Annette Cable

How did you first get involved with LVA?  

My husband, Mark and I are both artists, we joined years ago. Our daughter, Izzy, is a CFAC alumni. And both my husband and I have taught summer camps and classes for LVA, me for many years

When did you first know that art was going to be a big part of your life?

When I started elementary school, always with the teacher’s bulletin boards, posters for school events, elaborately decorating my folders with scenes from plays, 4-H projects and homework were always artfully oriented. It started when I was little.  

What does LVA add to your life?

A community of artists, creatives who are also business minded. A community of creative, silly, youthful students to help keep me young at heart. Great opportunities to expand my teaching and illustration career.  

How else are you involved in the community?

I work for a lot of educational institutions, the Portland Museum, Riverside the Farnsley-Mormen Landing, the Carnegie Center for Art and History, coming up with all kinds of creative and history based art projects. Teaching people to be creative in all aspects of life, that’s how I like to be involved.

Describe your perfect Sunday afternoon.

In my little tiny garden and yard, listening to birds and the wind, and neighbors in the distance. Listening to life. Digging in the dirt, playing with color and lots of shade

Who is your favorite local artist?

Julia Comer, jewelry designer and artist. I’ve worked with Julia in many capacities, shared a studio, been a shop girl in her gallery, learned more patience and more tenacity, quality of craft and goodness from her, to push myself through her excellence, creativity and perseverance.

Where would you like to see Louisville 10 years from now?

I would like to see a more positive, peaceful place, brought on by working together, communicating thoughtfully and rationally, and more and better education. People paying attention to each other, nature, our environment. People unplugged! Beauty - art, music, dance and poetry surrounding us and helping to answer problems.

What neighborhood do you live in? What are some of your favorite things about it?

I live in a little house in the Highlands. A little house on a little street, we can walk, ride bikes to dinner or the grocery or the green parks or to visit with friends and neighbors. Big old trees and gardens, red-tailed hawks soaring between the trees, families and doggies everywhere. People young and old, mixed together, living everyday together!

What advice would you give your past self if you could?

Get your masters in education and business!!! A freelance career gives you a lot of freedom but not a lot of stability, it would be nice to have more choices in job opportunities. Be in the now, and start a retirement plan now. Keep a small, sunny place in the country. Be happy, create, use your mind and don’t stop exercising your mind and your body!