queer in Appalachia

Public Radio

Artists Talk With LVA: January 27, 2022

New Year, New Artists, New Works is now open at Moremen Gallery and features the work of Cierra Evans and Dennis Whitehouse, among others. This week we spoke with these two about their work.

Cierra Evans is a Louisville-based painter who graduated from Spalding University in January 2021 and has established an independent practice exhibiting locally and curating for Folx Gallery.

Born and raised in Eastern Kentucky, Evans’ body of work depicts scenes directly from her early life in the foothills of the Appalachian region. Her work uses humor to sift through the discourse around the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding the holler. Cierra uses personal stories to highlight the love and forgiveness that the region deserves.

Dennis Whitehouse is a painter and a teacher who taught in various Kentucky schools for more than 30 years, retiring from Ballard and JCPS in 2017. Dennis was also a long-time teacher in LVA’s Children’s Fine Art Classes.

Evans & Whitehouse both currently have work in New Year, New Artists, New Work at Moremen Gallery.

New Year, New Artists, New Work at Moremen Gallery
Cierra Evans & Dennis Whitehouse