queer art

Public Radio

Artists Talk with LVA: April 20, 2023

May O' Nays is one of the top drag performers in Louisville and she will joined us in the studio this week to talk about their work. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM/Artxfm.com at 10 am each Thursday to hear Artists Talk with LVA.

May O' Nays is one of the top drag performers in Louisville and she joined us in the studio this week to talk about their work. Also joining us was Tony Lewis, founder and producer of Drag Daddy Productions. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM/Artxfm.com at 10 am each Thursday to hear Artists Talk with LVA.

Sex kitten. World class dancer. International runway model. These are just some of the phrases that have never been used to describe May O'Nays. May is an experienced performer based in Louisville, Kentucky with a background in musical theatre. She will sing, act, and cook her way into your heart.

May’s lifelong dream has been to join the ranks of the home-making greats—Martha Stewart, Ina Garten, Nigella Lawson, and Amy Sedaris as a queen of homemaking. May loves taking drag into the community and into places that don’t typically see this art form. You can find her teaching cooking, crafting, gardening, and doing drag queen story time all around Louisville, Kentucky, and the Midwest.

In the Spring of 2022, May was proud to debut her self-written cabaret, Tuba Atonement. In the show, May gives an inside look of what it means to grow up as a country queer in rural Indiana. You can watch her as she spends an hour shamelessly pressing her finger into the raw wounds of childhood trauma her therapist just can't seem to heal. If you like the tuba, musical theater, and sausage gravy, Tuba Atonement is a show you must see.

Drag in Louisville
Tony Lewis, May O' Nays

Public Radio

Artebella On The Radio: February 27, 2020


Ashley Cathey has curated an exhibit called Black Before I Was Born at Roots 101. She brought two of the artists, Kenyatta Bosman and Chip Kafele Calloway, and Roots 101 Founder/Director Lamont Collins also joined us to talk about the show and the newest addition to Louisville's Museum Row. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM, or stream on ARTXFM.com each Thursday at 10am to hear Keith Waits talk with artists on LVA's Artebella on the Radio.


Lamont Collins - Founder /CEO at Roots101: African American Museum, is a native of Louisville with extensive experience in media and promotions in television, radio, and with Philip Morris.


Ashley Cathey is a Louisville native whose paintings have brought her to prominence in a fairly short time after moving back to Louisville from Chicago. When she returned, she quickly found her footing and exhibited work in a group show at the Louisville Community Center, one of the Metro Parks community centers overseen by Portia White. From there, Cathey caught the attention of ArtsReach’s Julia Youngblood, who commissioned Cathey to create a series of portraits, which ArtsReach used for posters for their annual Keepers of the Dream celebration at the Kentucky Center for the Arts.

Chip Kafele Calloway is Owner / Designer / Creator at MAD MOON VyBE Artwork and Dj/Co-host at WXOX 97.1 FM.

Kenyatta Boseman.jpg

Kenyatta Bosman is a nonbinary visual/multimedia artist that focuses on realism and being in the moment. Currently studying at Kentucky College of Art + Design. Queer Black Experience. Their inspiration comes from black and queer cinema films.

Additionally, Britany Baker appeared to talk about the James Russell May Fundraiser Art Show at Art Sanctuary.

Black Before I Was Born at Roots 101
Lamont Collins, Ashley Cathey, Kenyatta Bosman, Chip Kafele Calloway, Britany Baker