collaborative dance tour

Public Radio

Artists Talk with LVA: July 20, 2023

Amberly M. Simpson of AMBO Dance Theatre joins us this week to talk about two upcoming dance events involving her company. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM/ each Thursday at 10 am to hear Artists Talk with LVA.

Amberly M. Simpson is a dancer, educator, and choreographer local to Louisville, KY. She later attended Bellarmine University (2015-2017) where she received her Master of the Arts in Teaching and is now a full-time Dance teacher at Noe Middle School. Through her work as an educator, Amberly was able to present her work on empowering youth through nontraditional partnering forms at the National Dance Education Organization’s National Conference (2019).

In 2019, Amberly founded Ambo Dance Theatre, a contemporary/modern dance company. Through Ambo Dance Theatre, Amberly has presented work with Brighton Dance Festival (2019), Lighthouse Dance Festival (2019), the Kentucky Refugee Ministries (2019, 2020), the Louisville Dance Series (2019, 2020), the Louisville Arts Network (2020), the Going Dutch Festival (2020), and Princeton Research Day (2019) where her collaboration with David Vartanyan received the Impact Award. She was also honored as one of the Hadley Creatives (2019-2020, Generation III) through the Community Foundation of Louisville.

AMBO Dance Theatre
Amberly M. Simpson