Public Radio, Special

Artists Talk with LVA: May 2, 2024

Kentucky College of Art + Design (KyCAD) BFA Candidates Kelsi Haberman, Jesenia Avila-Ugalde, & Lizzie Hill talk about their thesis exhibit.

On View: May 10-July 31, 2024 , Opening Reception: May 10, 5 pm -7:30 pm

849 Gallery 849 S. 3rd Street 

Gallery visits are by appointment only Please email

Jesenia Avila-Ugalde

Artist and designer, Born in Mexico City, raised in Louisville, KY

I like new technology and machine work, but I also enjoy analog work like painting, building, and working with people in the community— literally building a community. It’s a multifaceted thing.
I also focus on certain colors, like CMYK vs RGB. I also work with fluorescents, which reflect more light than they absorb. I love that concept because I think as people we should reflect more light/positivity than we absorb.

​​Kelsi Haberman

Interdisciplinary Artist From Louisville, KY

Modifying found objects like etchings on windows. Experimentation and willingness to take a risk, not knowing if you’re going to fail There’s an element of play

Lizzie Hill

Artist From Elizabeth, Indiana (rural town)

I use a lot of accessible materials from my home, including repurposed materials, textiles, natural materials, plants, and items associated with comfort, home, and memories. I focus on tactile/textural memories of mundane things.