Public Radio

Artists Talk with LVA: May 25, 2023

Carrie Johns & Anil Vinayakan are both participating in this Saturday's LVA Paint Out at The Louisville Nature Center. We will talk about that and other places their work can be seen. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM/ each Thursday at 10 am to hear Artists Talk with LVA.

Carrie Johns is a native of Georgetown Indiana who studied Fine Arts at Indiana University Southeast and Art History at the University of Louisville. On Facebook, she is Carrie Johns Art and you can see her work at She recently completed an epic mural for the New Albany Opera House.

Anil Vinayakan studied at Christ College, Kerala, and is an M.D. in Louisville. He is a painter and photographer who has an upcoming exhibit Horses and Places, at Kore Gallery June 1 - 30 with an opening reception on June 3.

On May 27, come watch artists paint at The Louisville Nature Center and Joe Creason Park. Paintings will be for sale after judging at 3:00 pm. Look for us at the tennis courts parking lot.

LVA Spring Paint Out
Carrie Johns & Anil Vinayakan