Public Radio

Artists Talk with LVA: March 2, 2023

Moon-he Baik was a Professor of Interior Design at the Hite Art Institute in 1991-2021. She received her BFA from Ewha University in Korea, and her MFA from the University of North Texas. Her research focuses on Textile Design, Multi-Cultural Interiors, and Sustainability & Environmental Design.

Since 2018 she has been working to develop the Korea Fiber Form Biennial, which took place in South Korea in 2022 and is unfolding now in Louisville at LVA, KMAC, Asia Institute-Crane House, 21c Hotel & Museum, and the University of Louisville. She has now been invited to bring the Fiber Forum to the 2024 Venice Biennale.

In April 2023 Baik will once again be a featured designer in the KMAC Couture event!

Korea FiberArt International consolidates leading artists in Korean fiber arts to organize symposiums and workshops in correlation to exhibitions. The objective of KFAF is to shed light on Korea's creative endeavors using a wide range of fiber-based materials. The scope is broad from artistic narrative expressions to practical approaches that encompass function.

2023 Korea Fiber Art Forum in Louisville
Moon-he Baik