Public Radio

Artebella On The Radio: January 21


Shannon Woolley Allison & Morgan Younge come to tell us about current and upcoming programming from Looking for Lilith Theatre Company including From Bardstown to Broadway: The Road to Votes for Women A series celebrating events, stories, and voices from the women’s suffrage movement in Louisville, KY, a part of The Kentucky Suffragette Project. Tune in to WXOX 97.1 FM, or stream on Artxfm, com each Thursday at 10:00 am to hear Keith Waits talk with artists on LVA's Artebella On The Radio.


Shannon Wooley Allison was a founding member of LFL in 2001. Shannon performs, directs, and teaches for LFL. She is proud to be a roster artist for the KY Arts Council, and a member of Alternate ROOTS, The Network of Ensemble Theatres, The Alliance for Theatre in Education, and The Theatre Alliance of Louisville. 

Morgan Younge - actress, writer, director, costume designer, teacher, currently working with Looking for Lilith Theatre Company and a member of the Creatives of Color Collective

Looking for Lilith Theatre Company
Shannon Woolley Allison & Morgan Younge