Teacher Contract and Expectations Form

The Spring 2021 semester of Children’s Fine Art Classes Online (CFAC) begins the week of February 1st, 2021. We have shortened the classes to 8 sessions this semester (due to Covid19) and hope that all classes will be finished just before or after Spring Breaks.

The below form serves as acceptance of a contract to teach a Children’s Fine Art Class (CFAC) / Academy of LVA class for Louisville Visual Art, Inc. (“LVA”).  Acceptance of the terms and conditions are outlined in the Teacher Expectations, Policies & Procedures listed below. Please make a copy of this contract letter for your records.

If you are a new CFAC or Academy teacher, please send a digital copy of your bio and a headshot to annette@louisvillevisualart.org at your earliest convenience.

Teachers Expectations, Policies, & Procedures


Teachers for CFAC classes must be either a professional artist and/or a certified art educator. Each may be observed on-site at least one time during the semester by a member of the Children’s Fine Art Classes Educational Curriculum Committee or an LVA staff educator. All Teachers in the Children’s Fine Art Classes program will be independent contractors who are engaged on a semester-by-semester basis, and LVA reserves the right to cancel any CFAC class prior to the start of the semester term for any reason.

To be eligible to teach CFAC, or LVA’s Open Doors program, teachers must consent to a mandatory confidential background check conducted by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services or any other agency LVA determines is appropriate. The LVA reserves the right to update this records check at any time without notice to the individual, so long as the individual is a contract employees teaching in either the LVA CFAC program, or Open Doors. All records will be kept confidential. By completing the following form you are consenting to this background check.


CFAC and Academy Teachers will be paid at a rate of $35 per hour for 2 hours of class plus prep time per week for a total of $560 for this shortened Spring 2021 semester.. 

Academy (tuition-based high school teachers) will receive an $100 stipend for out of class research into university programs that might suit their students interests and needs, gallery exhibitions that would interest their students, etc. We want to ensure all Academy teachers are responding to the individual needs of their class and this stipend makes that possible.

Expectations of Faculty

Faculty members will be expected to:

  • Attend 1 general teacher’s meeting ( in-person or online )during the semester for which they will be compensated at the rate of $50. Those driving over 15 miles to reach these meetings may request mileage compensation based on the mileage from their home school to LVA @ Clifton Center on the rate of $.50 per mile, over 15 miles.

  • Keep accurate classroom records including attendance and other statistics

  • Provide at least one “Success Story” or “Human Interest Story” per semester about CFAC students that may be used in LVA promotional materials, grants, and for fund raising purposes, in the End of Semester survey.

  • Summarize the lessons executed over the semester in the form of a syllabus for The Academy and as a list for CFAC.

  • Be an enthusiastic ambassador for Louisville Visual Art that makes the Children’s Fine Art Classes possible.

Policies & Procedures

  1. Registration: Only properly registered students are allowed to attend CFAC classes. You will be notified of registered students by mail, email, and/or phone by start of classes. If a non-registered student tries to attend class, please ask the child to leave and request that the parents contact Annette.

  2. Attendance: Please email Annette after your first class if registered students do not attend so that she may add students if there is a waiting list for your site.

  3. Discipline: Behavior problems are not usually a concern and are unacceptable. If problems do arise, please first talk with the student; next step if unimproved is for the teacher to contact the parent to attempt to resolve the issue. Please use email for this so that we have a record— you will need to copy annette@louisvillevisualart.org on the email so we are aware. If that is not successful, you should notify Annette. She will call the student’s parents and school to inform them that the child will be asked not to return to class.

  4. Snow Policy: If the schools in your CFAC district are closed, CFAC classes will not meet. Saturday instructors have the option of notifying their students Friday evening to cancel a Saturday class. Please copy Annette on the email you send out so that she is up to date if a parent calls to ask about class status. Make-up classes will be added onto the end of your schedule, sam time, same place.

  5. Academy Exhibition (there will be no CFAC Exhibit this year due to the pandemic): At the end of each semester, each student is asked to exhibit one painting or drawing to Louisville Visual Art for use in the annual spring Academy exhibition. This is one of the stipulations parents agree to by signing the consent form during registration. (This Academy art may offered up for sale, if not, artwork will be returned to students).

    1. If a student has not completed the semester because of attendance or has unfinished artwork, it is not necessary to turn in a painting or drawing for that student. It will be the responsibility of the teacher to explain to the student why their artwork will not be included in the spring CFAC exhibition. Please list the students on the end of semester form that will not be able to participate in the exhibition. (not applicable this semester)

    2. At the end of the semester all artwork must be delivered to Annette Cable, Louisville Visual Art 1538 Lytle St, Louisville, KY 40203. Artwork submitted must be matted, wrapped and labeled at or during the time of delivery.

  6. Semester Report: The semester report includes the supply list, the “human interest/success story”, list of students not included in the exhibition (due to lack of attendance or artwork completion), as well as a summary of lessons executed over the semester. This will be submitted through the end of semester form.

  7. Payment: Checks will be issued when all student artwork and semester reports are submitted to LVA.

We highly recommend that you send a letter home to students on your first day of class explaining these policies, and offering a phone number and email address where you may be reached. It will help you immensely on a snow day. 

If you are new to LVA or have a name or address change please fill out a new W9 form. If you are new to LVA you must fill out a Central Registry Check form (this form will need to be printed off and we must have a copy of your driver’s license with it - and returned at the August 17th CFAC meeting or sent back via snail mail - we must have the original copy - send to: Annette Cable, Louisville Visual Art, 1538 Lytle St., Louisville, KY 40203), please do so ASAP, we must have this info before you can start.