Hi Everyone!

We’re excited to launch Creative Clues, a new monthly feature of Art Starts at Louisville Visual Art. With each new Clue, we’ll provide some pointers to help you succeed and improve.

Creative Clues Showcase

Deadline for artwork submissions: May 27, 2021 @ midnight

How to:
“I don’t know what to draw!”

Try these drawing exercises to get you thinking about the May’s Creative Clues prompt, BREEZE.


30 Circles
(designed by Bob McKim, the Stanford Design Program)
Make a page with 30 circles (we have a printable pdf for you), grab a pencil, and set a timer for 3 minutes. Fill as many circles as possible in the 3 minutes, you are going for quantity, not quality. When you go for quantity, your brain doesn’t have time to stop and think if that idea is bad or not. So, you will end up with some silly, creative, useless and unique ideas. Go back and review the circle drawings and now you can pick one or two and work them up into your next drawing.


Get Outside
Folks have so much stuff going on inside their heads, “get this done, do it that way, here is more, more, more”. Just step away from your blank drawing paper, give your brain a break. Go outside, get fresh air, walk, stare up into a tree. Listen to the BREEZE! While you are outside, meandering around, you may have one of those “Aha” moments, when a great idea pops into your head.

Let the Dice Roll Where They May
You can do this exercise in many ways, here are two.

Stacking Cards
Take a batch of index cards and cut them and stack them into thirds. On one stack of cards write nouns, on another stack write adjectives, and on the last stack write verbs. Now, keep your stack separate and shuffle them separately. Pull out one word from each stack and draw.

Creative Cubes
Buy 3 wooden cubes from a craft store. Paint them up in fun colors and with a permanent marker, designate one cube for nouns, one cube for adjectives, and one cube for verbs. Now roll the dice, have fun drawing your roll. What if you used the roll of the dice to create a comic book character, or a mysterious, flying, rabbit!


Remember to use your past How To pages to come up with creative solutions for your new clue:

January 2021 - Winter -Thumbnails

February 2021 - Heart - Research

March 2021 - Chair - Develop Your Artist Eye

April 2021 - Spring

Send in your BREEZE artwork

Deadline for artwork submission is May 27, 2021 at midnight.

  • Content: family friendly (LVA will determine if artwork is appropriate to share online.)

  • Ages 5 to 105!

  • Photo Guidelines: here is a nifty link, if you want to learn to take great pictures of your artwork

  • Consent and Permission: By filling out the form below, you give LVA permission to display your artwork and information in the Creative Clue Showcase. *NOTE: if you are under 18 years old, please have a parent or guardian complete the form.

  • Address: email artwork to:

  • Social Media: you may share your artwork on Instagram: #artwithinreach, #ArtStartsAtLVA

LVA will notify you if your artwork is in the Creative Clues Showcase at the end of the month.