Link Round Up

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: February 19th 2016

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: January 29th, 2016

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: January 7th, 2016

Link Round Up

2015 Highlights

2015 has been a year of expansion and excitement for our organization. In our 106th year, we undertook a six-month redesign of our strategic plan. Staff and board members reviewed the organizations long history, recognized its accomplishments, acknowledged areas of improvement, and began to prepare for our future. In July the process culminated in a Five Year Strategic Plan which serves as the blueprint for the organizations future goals and objectives. As part of the Strategic Plan, Louisville Visual Art Association became Louisville Visual Art, and revamped its brand strategy and creative direction, complete with a new logo, website, and visual materials!

Blueprints and relocation did not interrupt LVA’s nationally recognized programming. We continue to connect with residents of Louisville Metro and southern Indiana, with over 1,000 students participating in LVAs Children’s Fine Art Classes (CFAC), the only out-of-school-time (OST) in-depth visual art experience for visually talented students in the region. During the 2014-15 school year, CFAC offered 20,400 of OST instruction at 31 sites in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Enrollment has increased 30% in the last three years and continues to grow. Meanwhile, all graduating seniors were offered scholarships or financial aid. Thanks to the CFAC seniors’ successes in the spring, LVA launched The Academy: Louisvilles first pre-professional art program in the fall. The Academy ensures students are top choice candidates for universities and art schools around the country. CFAC and The Academy continue to compete for the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award, for which it is a four-time finalist.

OPEN DOORS, LVA’s community outreach program, provides over 2,000 art experiences each year to under-served populations including at-risk youth, refugees, immigrants, senior citizens, and victims of domestic abuse as well as many others. These projects are permanently installed where they are created, generating a lasting impact on the community at large. This fiscal year LVA received 50% more requests than the program is capable of fulfilling with our current funding levels — a request your support could help fulfill. 

We are expanding our mission of artist support each year. Artebella, LVA’s virtual gallery and marketing program, gives our artists an edge in an increasingly competitive market by reaching over 6,000 art enthusiasts daily.  This program not only exposes the public to new art, but also connects artists with prospective buyers. Open Studio Weekend invites the public directly into artist’s spaces and connects artists with new advocates and patrons. In 2015, LVA has partnered with Kroger to commission nine murals with $85,000 going directly back to local artists. These murals engage the community and foster a sense of neighborhood pride. Additionally, a weekly Artist Opportunities newsletter, including calls for artists, workshops, and events continues and grows our commitment to artists support.

LVA is improving lives through art. Louisville’s art community isn’t just important to artists or art lovers – it matters to us all. We are on the frontline of Louisville’s art scene. Our efforts are directly shaping Louisville’s creative future and we are establishing ourselves as a hub to engage, inspire and improve our community and our city.  Help us nurture our next generation of leaders to be creative problem solvers with a foundation in community engagement. Please send your tax-deductible contribution, today!

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: December 16th, 2015

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: December 11th, 2015.

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: November 20th, 2015.

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: November 13th, 2015

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: October 20th, 2015

We had such a great night kicking off Open Studio Weekend events last night at Art Under Construction! Head on over to check out the images and then get your wristband for the weekend, coming up November 14th & 15th. 

Do you already follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook? If not you should be to stay in the loop & see all of our behind the scenes goodness. 

With less than two weeks left of the Louisville Photo Biennial, here are a few shows you should see.

This artist turns mathematical concepts into intricate paintings!

What If We Taught Art The Way We Teach Math?


The Man Who Tried to Photograph Thoughts

Hate Chewing Sounds? Call Yourself Creative, Then Just Deal

15 Carved Pumpkins That Are So Good, They're Pretty Much Art

Installing Speed Museum’s 24-Foot Aluminum ‘Wishbone’ No Small Task

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: October 23rd, 2015

Photograph by Darrow Montgomery

Photograph by Darrow Montgomery

Sam Gilliam, CFAC Alum, has been featured in the Guardian as well as Washington City Paper. Check out the articles— what an interesting life he has led so far! 

4 Ways to Foster Authentic Collaboration in the Art Room

This Saturday at 1:00 at the Iroquois library:  Trials of Spring.  Ammar Shamaileh is serving a term appointment as Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Louisville where he teaches courses on Middle East politics, comparative politics and political violence. He will be speaking after the film. Come join the discussion!

The Kentucky Arts Council presents Kentucky Crafted at The Breeders' Cup Festival.

Secrets of Louisville Chefs Cookbook Launch will benefit fund for the arts and looks like a wonderful time (hint: free samples!)

Arts In Health by Fund for the Arts— looks like a great way to join in on exploring the role of arts in building a healthier community!

Congratulations to Tryphena Sithu, a CFAC student for many years, past stop motion summer camp participant, and current Academy student! Tryphena is 1 of 20 national finalists (out of 7,000 entries) for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge by Khan Academy. See her video here.

Artist Transforms Her Parent’s House Into a Spooky Monster for Halloween

Interview: Erin Hanson Pioneers the Energetic Style of Open-ImpressionismA Netherlands parade celebrates Vincent van Gogh with giant floats made of flowers

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: October 16th, 2015

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: October 9th, 2015

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: October 2nd, 2015

On behalf of the entire staff of LVA thank you so much to the 39 donors who helped us raise $20,550 with ‪#‎givelocallou‬ yesterday! We are beyond grateful to each and everyone of you! A big thanks to The Community Foundation of Louisville for making it such a success- 8,785 people donated $2,971,457 to over 350 local non-profits!

We have 9 call for entries, and 3 workshops listed on our website! Including a chance to create a mural for Goss Kroger or the Kroger in Clarksville! 

Why you should hire an artist as your next business consultant. 

Worlds first "photographer" takes pictures by using heart rate to trigger the shutter!


Enchanting New Light Box Dioramas by Hari & Deepti Tell Stories of Exploration, Travel and Adventure

October classes and workshops with Preston Art Center.

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: September 25th, 2015

Link Round Up

Friday Link Round Up: September 18th, 2015

Have you decided what galleries you are going to visit for the 2015 Photo Biennial? We are for sure going to see Carrie Burr's solo show at Public Gallery, and work by LVA Education Manager Sarah Davis at Studio Work's Photosynthesis, but there are so many choices it's hard to decide! We're thinking Maps of The Imagination will be on our list along with many, many more. 

We hope to see you tomorrow at the Mini Maker Faire and Louisville Pride Fest!! 

 These self-propelled kinetic wood sculptures by David C. Roy can spin for nearly a day!

We have 6 Call For Entires currently listed! Check them out. 

Meet the 17th Century Female Entomologist Who Illustrated Butterfly Life Cycles.

Keep up with all the behind the scenes action of LVA over on Instagram!